About me

I'm a back end & mobile developer based in Natal, Brazil.

What I love about coding is the fulfillment felling right after soving a problem, simple or complex, and beholding what was before emptiness being now complete: It is pure creation.

Mannuel Victor Limeira
Responsive image


Logo Central de passeios
Central de Passeios

Refactoring purchase flow and programming.

(Website, project rescue)

Alongside: Interativa Digital

Angular 2+ Wirecard

Status: Live at centraldepasseiosnatal.com.

Webfarma logo

Mobile app to market water bottle and gas cylinder based on geolocation of the seller and buyer, splitting payment with Wirecard.

(Rest API, Admin Panel, and 2 Mobile Apps)

Alongside: Interativa Digital

Yii 2 Ionic 3 Angular 2+ Wirecard

Status: Live at webfarma.net.br.

Webfarma logo
Blog (Medium)

Tutorials, thoughts and fellings about my carreer and technology.

Mind Experience

Status: Always in progress at medium.com/@mannueldp.

The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists.

Charles Dickens
Eu Quero

Mobile app to market water bottle and gas cylinder based on geolocation of the seller and buyer.

Alongside: Interativa Digital

(Rest API, Admin Panel, and 2 Mobile Apps)

Yii 2 Ionic 3 Angular 2+

Status: Client's approval.

Webfarma logo
Combustível nota 10

Simple and fast private company hackathon to prototype future product.

Unused technology allowed, so I decided to give Lumen a chance.

(Rest API)


Status: Source code at github.com/VictorLimeira/combustivelNota10-API.